Thursday, April 16, 2015


Original post 2009

Christopher Jr. aka Christian b. abt 1798 d. 10 Feb 1878 and his 2nd wife Matilda had 13 children.
(Christopher was married original post from 03/09/10...wife unknown.  Had 4 children, oldest was a male. Per census.)

Matilda Gull b. 06 May 1813 d. 06 Dec 1874 Quemahoning, Somerset Co., PA. She was born to  Jacob Goll/Gull and Catherine Kauffman. Matilda's baptismal record is the source of her birth. See my file for source of death.

When I started researching back in 2005 no one knew what Matilda's maiden name was. So after years of researching and thinking the place they where from was so small....he had to marry a local gal, I started looking at all the Matilda's in the paper trails that existed.
IN 200? where is that email? I contacted one individual who had a gedcom with a Matilda Gull/Goll in it she stated she didn't know who that person was but she had a cousin who entered the info and she obtained it from his Gedcom, but she failed to site him.  At the same time I contacted another man, unaware who he was at the time, about an individual he had in his Ged com that I was also researching and  he responded to my email and signed his name Tom Gull. I couldn't resist asking him about the Matilda Gull. I informed him I was looking at on the baptismal records,and he stated he didn't know anything about her more than what was on that baptismal record.  I explained why I was researching her (she had the Matilda name and that my great great grandmother was a Matilda Burket). Than putting two and two together he remembered seeing Christian Burket's name in a family document, but didn't know why it appeared in the document.  There was no reference to the relationship.  Tom sent me the page,  and sure enough this was my great great grandmother Matilda I was looking for....she was the Gull/Goll! Mystery solved! WOW!

Tom was generous enough to give me all his work he had done on the Goll/Gull lines.

1840 Christopher Jr is listed as Christian Burchcart on the 1840 census in Somerset Co., PA
1849 On the fourteenth day of April of 1849 Matilda Burket purchases 419 acres of land located in Allegheny Twp., Somerset Co., PA.
1850 Christian and Matilda appear on the 1850 Allegheny Twp Census
1860 Census for Allegheny Twp, Somerset CO., PA
1870 Census for Allegheny Twp, Somerset CO., PA
1874 died

Ok, I picked up on another trip a article of agreement, dated 1873 that states 300 acres of the land is to be held in, had they sold off the other 149 acres along the way????Looks like another trip to me! There is no mention abt the other 149 acres in this article of agreement.

Matilda died first, and Christopher Jr. died walking on the tracks between Mineral Point and Garret.

Sophia Mary Burket b. 07 Sep 1833 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 31 Jul 1900
buried Aug 1900 Glade Reformed Church Cemetery, Stoneycreek Twp, Somerset Co.PA She was married to George Null d. 10 Feb 1903 by the Justice of the Peace, John Grove on the 10th of March  in the presence of her parents, Christ Brighard and wife. Henry Groll, Jeremiah Groll and his wife. Franses.  Last name in record when filed was Sophia PurkThey rest in peace together.

1850 appears on the Allegheny Twp. census with her husband, George Null.
Sophia and George had eleven children.
I took and will post headstone.

1850 appears on the Allegheny Twp. census with her husband, George Null.
Sophia and George had eleven children.

Magdalena Burket b. 28 Dec 1835 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 14 Mar 1918 Bedford Co., burial 16 Mar 1918 in Reformed Cemetery, New Paris, Bedford Co., PA
m. Frederick Custer b. 2 Mar 1828 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 24 Sep 1919.
They had been married for 65 years at least. They lived in Napier Twp. They owned 87 acres with a 2 story log cabin house.

Their 13 children are: to be cont.

John Levi Cyrus Burket b. 19 Feb 1838 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., married twice and had 23 children.

Worked in Schellsburg, Bedford Co., PA Worked for George Colvin.

Albert Burket was married twice and had 16 children. WOW!

Oliver Burket b. 20 Aug 1840 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA
12 May 1843 Christened
1850 Census

Apparently, Oliver owed a debt for quite a while and when Matilda died and her estate was being probated the man Oliver owed money to was bringing his claim forward thru the use of the Sheriff's document to present to the administrator. The doc is extremely faded and at times very difficult to read. But I can read the dates and will post them.

Mary Ellen Burket b. 07 Mar 1843 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 08 Nov 1906 in New Paris, Bedford Co., PA burial 10 Nov 1906 in Evangelical Cemetery.
m. Isaac Logue
I have an alternate birthdate for her as 23 March 1942.

Pierce Burket b. abt 1844 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA also listed as Pearson.

Cornelius Burket b. 27 Mar 1846 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 1942

Benjamin Franklin Burket b. 22 Apr 1847 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 16 Sept 1932 Somerset Boro, Somerset Co., PA buried in

m. Emma Amy Lape. They had 5 children:
Infant d. 25 Jan 1871 buried in Bedford Co., PA

Harry E. ....married to Maggie...daughter of Cornelius.

Charles Edward b. 06 Oct. 1880


The Lape surname appears in several generations of the Burket tree.

Walter C. Burket b, 1840 m. Dora Kaufmann from Jenners Twp, 28 Nov 1869
buried in the Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset CO., PA.
They had 6 children:

1. Josephine Sep 1870
2. Mary Burket b. 1871
3. Elisabeth 1872 married George Schadde on 11 Aug 1898 in Somerset Co., PA
4. Ida Burket 1874 married Charles Thomas on 25 May 1899
5. Infant Burket abt 1876
6. Anna 1879 d. 28 Oct 1966, buried in the Husband Cemetery, Somerset Co., PA
married to Frank H. Zeigler
more to come...

Catherine Burket b. abt 1852 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA
married William Shederick
more to come...

Matilda Burket b. abt 1856 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., d. 1931 PA. Buried in the Union Cemetery, Meyersdale, Somerset Co., PA
married William Barnhart, he was 17 yrs old,  b. 1849 at Shade Furnace  d. 1935 Shade Twp. Somerset Co., PA.
pic in file.

Their children are:

Mary Jane Barnhart

William and Matilda are both buried in the Union Cemetery.

William is the brother of Sarah J. Barnhart who was married to John Levi Cyrus Burket.

Elizabeth Burket b. abt 1860 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA
Was a minor at the time of her mother's death.
m. see file.

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