George tbc
Peter tbc
Valentine dies in Germany, but did he marry and have children? Obtained death record.
Simon is too young to be Israel's father. Simon's father is (private) and source: LBK
Can't help but think John is on the records for Israel. Ugh.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Received this transcription from LBK. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us!
DIED--On the 16th, April, ult, CHRISTOPHER BURKET, of Shade township, Somerset County, PA., age 102 years.
The deceased was the father of a numerous family, and left a widow aged 96, with whom he has lived in the bonds of matrimony for upwards of 75 years. He was born, it is believed, in Franklin County, having removed from the banks of the Conogocheague to this county, about 72 yrs. since.
He is buried with the honors of war. Capt. Hite' company, of Stoystown Guards, accompanied his remains to the tomb, and firing the customary salute over the Patriot's grave, for he was a soldier in the "times which tried men's souls." Under the celebrated Captain Brady, on the Western frontiers, whether engaged as a spy, or skirmisher, or hand to hand, with the merciless Indian, he proved equal to all the hazards, toils and dangers of the perilous time. In fine he was one of the band of hardy Pioneers of the West, of whom the immortal Washington made the declaration, "that their service were equal, if not superior in daring bravery and heroic deeds, to those of the Heroes of the regular line.
It is proper to add that a very large concourse people attended the corpse to its last resting place, and a few brief extemporaneous, but elegant remarks where made at the tomb, by Samuel Kimmel, Esq., of Stoystown, in relation to the life, character, and services of the deceased veteran.
Peace to his ashes.
DIED--On the 16th, April, ult, CHRISTOPHER BURKET, of Shade township, Somerset County, PA., age 102 years.
The deceased was the father of a numerous family, and left a widow aged 96, with whom he has lived in the bonds of matrimony for upwards of 75 years. He was born, it is believed, in Franklin County, having removed from the banks of the Conogocheague to this county, about 72 yrs. since.
He is buried with the honors of war. Capt. Hite' company, of Stoystown Guards, accompanied his remains to the tomb, and firing the customary salute over the Patriot's grave, for he was a soldier in the "times which tried men's souls." Under the celebrated Captain Brady, on the Western frontiers, whether engaged as a spy, or skirmisher, or hand to hand, with the merciless Indian, he proved equal to all the hazards, toils and dangers of the perilous time. In fine he was one of the band of hardy Pioneers of the West, of whom the immortal Washington made the declaration, "that their service were equal, if not superior in daring bravery and heroic deeds, to those of the Heroes of the regular line.
It is proper to add that a very large concourse people attended the corpse to its last resting place, and a few brief extemporaneous, but elegant remarks where made at the tomb, by Samuel Kimmel, Esq., of Stoystown, in relation to the life, character, and services of the deceased veteran.
Peace to his ashes.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Fred, Dad and I, visited the Daley Cemetery (the day after a Nor'easter), and upon leaving, spotted a headstone for Ezra Newman and his wife, Justine. On my way into PA my dad said I should look him up, and little did I know I would locate his headstone in the Daley. I wrote to him, and he called me. We talked, and my next trip, I later met up with Ezra. We returned to the cemetery for a visit. He lived abt 3 houses away from it. He now lies in the Daley Cemetery. That is when I got a good look at the ledgers. Though he seemed to think that Mrs. Landis, who was the current treasurer was not given the very old books and whoever had them prior to her never turned them over. That was his opinion. Maybe there are more records?
We know Christopher is buried in the Daley Cemetery. Also, it's written by (enter his name) that Israel Burket is also buried there, but since there is a younger Israel also buried there we hope Mr. (blank) was not confusing the elder with the younger. Further research maybe fruitful. There is mention of a Franklin and a Amand too. Work in progress.
Christopher Burket, confirmed by his 3rd great grandson Ezra Newman b. 1918, that we are descendants of his. That it's not only family legend that Christopher served in the Revolutionary War, but that his wife, Mary Ann Ross, had also served. I asked him how he knew this? I had not located any documentation on Mary Ann serving. He stated, "His grandmother, Dora Burket b. 1875, had told him." He knew nothing of how she served just that she had. He was happy to share the information and wondered out loud, due to his age, who was going to keep track of the family lineage. I chuckled to myself because if he only knew the descendants that where trying to sort out the various lines. Ezra had no previous knowledge of the generations before Christopher and Mary Ann.
But as fate has it, Christopher's father, Israel, left us a paper trail. That document gives us great insight into a early pioneer's life in Southwestern PA.
I would like to correspond with any descendent of Israel's and especially to any one who is a descendant of a Jacob Burket d. abt 1834 of St. Clair Twp, Bedford Co.PA. Please contact Paper trail 100% shows that he is a son of Israel. Love those paper trails!
We know Christopher is buried in the Daley Cemetery. Also, it's written by (enter his name) that Israel Burket is also buried there, but since there is a younger Israel also buried there we hope Mr. (blank) was not confusing the elder with the younger. Further research maybe fruitful. There is mention of a Franklin and a Amand too. Work in progress.
Christopher Burket, confirmed by his 3rd great grandson Ezra Newman b. 1918, that we are descendants of his. That it's not only family legend that Christopher served in the Revolutionary War, but that his wife, Mary Ann Ross, had also served. I asked him how he knew this? I had not located any documentation on Mary Ann serving. He stated, "His grandmother, Dora Burket b. 1875, had told him." He knew nothing of how she served just that she had. He was happy to share the information and wondered out loud, due to his age, who was going to keep track of the family lineage. I chuckled to myself because if he only knew the descendants that where trying to sort out the various lines. Ezra had no previous knowledge of the generations before Christopher and Mary Ann.
But as fate has it, Christopher's father, Israel, left us a paper trail. That document gives us great insight into a early pioneer's life in Southwestern PA.
I would like to correspond with any descendent of Israel's and especially to any one who is a descendant of a Jacob Burket d. abt 1834 of St. Clair Twp, Bedford Co.PA. Please contact Paper trail 100% shows that he is a son of Israel. Love those paper trails!
Sunday, April 19, 2015
ISRAEL BURKHARD wife Anna Maria Barbara
Original post 2009, released draft 2015.
Israel Burkhard (as in Church record) b. abt 1723 d. Dec 1804 Somerset County, PA Date of death source: ( I found sourced in his court papers.) Obtained copy in old jail house in Somerset in 2004. Married Anna Maria Barbara: Maiden name (Private) birthdate: (Private) Place of Birth (Private) Source: LBK Proof of marriage is the church record.
Two brave people, with a baby girl, come together to start a new life. If Christopher is fighting Indians no doubt Israel would have been too. Did they ever dream they would have that kind of history when looking back over a long, long marriage. WOW!
Source of marriages for Israel's living children, at the time of his death, source is his probate papers.
Children are:
Catarina Elisabeth Burkhard. b. 09 Aug 1747 Germany. Source LBK
She married to George Feltz per Israel's probate papers as indicated above and for all the following too.
George (named first in Israel's probate papers) Source: petition I picked up in court house.
Born Johann George Burgert (as transcribed) b. 16 Aug 1755 Berks County, PA record Oley Hill Church of Berks County. Found myself a hard copy of George's translated birth record off of Pennsylvania Church records.- Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties. 1729-1881 hard copy from This is Susan Jackman's line, she states. Not sure she ever figured out what happened to her George Burget/Burket. This is good evidence that family was in Berks Co., PA actually a excellent paper trail. I love paper trail.
District Twp, Berks Co., PA Pike's township more work to be done.
There is a George BURGOT a List of names as Taxables in Bedford County1778-1779 Source: Helen Shaffer Hill. Obtained on my 07-16-2009 trip to Somerset Co.
George and Catherine Borckhart had son John b. 28 Nov 1789 d. 09 Jan 1790. Source: Eber Cockley notes.
THIS JOHN IS NOT JOHN JOHNATHON BURKET b. 1795 per old German bible dated 1826 in my possession. John Johnathon's bible had a note in it to pay $10.00 to Cornelius Burket dated 1873
so we know this John John is still alive. He sent the request to a Richard Green to pay it so what business is John John in that he has a bookkeeper? So is Cornelius the son of John Johnathon? Let's take a look in my file. TBC.
Johan Jacob b. May 1757 Berks Co., PA d. 1834 St. Clair Twp., Bedford County, PA
There is a JACOB listed as a Single Freeman on the 1778-1779 Taxables in Bedford County
Source: Helen Shaffer Hill. I obtained a copy 16 July 2009 trip to Somerset Co. PA. Could be Jacob, son of Israel? The other Jacob Burget/Burckert/Burkhart (from his pension request obtained on my 2009 trip.) Was b. 08 May 1758 who resided in Reading, Berks Co., PA didn't moved to Allegheny Twp. until 1785.
Jacob is confirmed to be the 2nd son of Israel Source: SHJ. Jacob Burket's court papers.
Christopher Burket Sr. b. abt d. 16 Apr 1848 date of death source from LBK
married to Mary Ann Ross Source of marriage: her father's will/probate. Is listed as Stophel in his father-in-law's court papers. Now, my great grandfather John L.C. Burket, who was 10 when his grandfather Christopher died, is also nicknamed Stophel, yet he has no Christopher in his go figure. Christopher, even in his advanced age made sure his name is spelled BURGET on the handwritten pension request he went into the Somerset Courthouse to have them submit that request, like all soldiers that served and survived the act pass by Congress for their service pension. It was spelled 3 times as Burgert and on all 3 occasions the 2nd r has a strike thru it. Love paper trails!
Burget and Burkard are one in the same...find link and post.
Albert Hill's family indicates that in the Nauvoo Baptisms for the dead there is a Baptismal record for Stofel in the year 1841. Well, according to Susan Jackman, that is the year Christopher died. I've never gotten the actual Nauvoo records from her. I will need to hunt down the records for review. But Christopher didn't die in 1841 he died in 1848 so much for that. Can this even be believed now?
Father: James Ross b. d. 1801 Somerset Co., PA Source: JM
A James Ross is also listed on the Taxables in Bedford County 1778-1779. Listed as a Non Resident and a James Ross again under the non residents listed as Ross James sold to Burnside.
Mary Burket married to Henry Boose. Source: Israel's probate papers.
Rudolph Boose b 21 May 1796 Brothersvalley, Somerset Co., PA
d. 31 July 1870 Somerset Co.
Margaret married to Henry Leech variants could be Leach/Lynch.
Barbara Burket married to Nicholas Rayman variants could be Reiman/Rehman. Source: Isa probate papers.
The township was settled at a very early day. If the traditions of the German Baptist Church (referred to else where) are correct even within a couple of years, there were settlers already here before this region was open to legal settlement. In addition to the names of early settlers that have been mentioned in other chapters, Israel Burket, John Rhoads, Martin Suter and Christopher (or Christian) Yoder and his sons were here as early as 1775, or perhaps even earlier. Source: History of Bedford and Somerset Co., PA
In May 1984 the Laurel Messenger ran the following story on Stonycreek Twp's Taxpayers (TBC)
but from this article we know Israel was in Bedford Co., 1775 which later becomes part of Somerset County, PA. One must remember that from 1763-1769 there where only 3 Townships in the whole county of Bedford. Per the History of Bedford and Somerset Co, written by Daniel Rupp, Chapter 5, there where 160 people in Bedford Twp. A early map exists that reflect the Burket name on it (enter map).
In addition to the probate paperwork, I obtained on my first visit to the county seat, I located a petition to Israel's probate paperwork. In this petition Christopher's older brother, George, is addressing the court and at some point George's name is crossed off and Jacob's name written in it's place. Had George died after the petition was written? It did take a long time for Israel's probate to be wrapped up.
Nice thing about these papers is it really give great insight into how a early settler lived. He actually owned more than I imagined. Owned a shot gun. How many gun makers where there in the 1700's?
He owned a box of shoemaker's tools. Interesting! Since his occupation in the old country was surprisingly different per source: LBK. He owned cigars, when he died, and had a debt for them. It is safe to assume he smoked them. That is about the only assumption one wants to make when piecing the Burket puzzle together. What amazes me is the number of items Israel owned...books, spectacles, a bundle of books, a forge book, and one listed as other book and a almanac...he owned a lot of books for someone who signed an X upon arriving. Gives one the impression he could read some language. Future posts will disclose this issue. No doubt he could read German. He didn't sign an X on the other document in my possession.
354 acres adjoining Ludwick C and the acreage is in Shade Twp and in Stony Creek Twp.
The land could not be divided to or among the parties without spoiling the value of the land.
Jacob sold off Israel's land.
At the time of Israel's death he had 3 living sons, listed in his probate records. Doesn't mean he didn't have more children, it just means those where living when he passed or by the time the probate papers where filed.
Israel's wife Anna Maria Barbara .
She was still alive in 1805 as she has left her mark in the court paperwork. She also appears on a later census. John (private) might be her grandson in law? More adventures into the courthouse will provide the answer if the paper trail survived mother nature.
Now, the additional petition I found in Somerset where George's name is crossed off, and Jacob's is written in. The next paragraph George was listed first as the petitioner than crossed off, and Jacob's name written in and where Jacob's name was initially written in is crossed off and George written in. It appears the person doing the petitioning changed. Birth records for both George and Jacob exist, but what happened to Israel's son John George?
Since Christopher's daughter obituary states he's of German descendent that gives us some clue that Israel is from Germany. Yes, yes he is!!! Love that paper trail! And so is his wife, Anna Maria Barbara maiden name: private.
Susan Jackman found a Israel Burket on the land warrants in Berks County when she happened to searching Bedford and since it was alphabetical she thought she would take a look at Berks land warrants, she states he was listed under various spellings. Now, since land warrants don't show relationship, I'm not sure what proof that it is our Israel. Interesting because one of the spellings was the same way it appears on the 1812 paperwork. More work to be done. She states, but no documentation of source sent, but I will source her here for this entry.
Also, probable son John b 08 May 1758 d. 1805, PA
Israel Burkhard (as in Church record) b. abt 1723 d. Dec 1804 Somerset County, PA Date of death source: ( I found sourced in his court papers.) Obtained copy in old jail house in Somerset in 2004. Married Anna Maria Barbara: Maiden name (Private) birthdate: (Private) Place of Birth (Private) Source: LBK Proof of marriage is the church record.
Two brave people, with a baby girl, come together to start a new life. If Christopher is fighting Indians no doubt Israel would have been too. Did they ever dream they would have that kind of history when looking back over a long, long marriage. WOW!
Source of marriages for Israel's living children, at the time of his death, source is his probate papers.
Children are:
Catarina Elisabeth Burkhard. b. 09 Aug 1747 Germany. Source LBK
She married to George Feltz per Israel's probate papers as indicated above and for all the following too.
George (named first in Israel's probate papers) Source: petition I picked up in court house.
Born Johann George Burgert (as transcribed) b. 16 Aug 1755 Berks County, PA record Oley Hill Church of Berks County. Found myself a hard copy of George's translated birth record off of Pennsylvania Church records.- Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties. 1729-1881 hard copy from This is Susan Jackman's line, she states. Not sure she ever figured out what happened to her George Burget/Burket. This is good evidence that family was in Berks Co., PA actually a excellent paper trail. I love paper trail.
District Twp, Berks Co., PA Pike's township more work to be done.
There is a George BURGOT a List of names as Taxables in Bedford County1778-1779 Source: Helen Shaffer Hill. Obtained on my 07-16-2009 trip to Somerset Co.
George and Catherine Borckhart had son John b. 28 Nov 1789 d. 09 Jan 1790. Source: Eber Cockley notes.
THIS JOHN IS NOT JOHN JOHNATHON BURKET b. 1795 per old German bible dated 1826 in my possession. John Johnathon's bible had a note in it to pay $10.00 to Cornelius Burket dated 1873
so we know this John John is still alive. He sent the request to a Richard Green to pay it so what business is John John in that he has a bookkeeper? So is Cornelius the son of John Johnathon? Let's take a look in my file. TBC.
Johan Jacob b. May 1757 Berks Co., PA d. 1834 St. Clair Twp., Bedford County, PA
There is a JACOB listed as a Single Freeman on the 1778-1779 Taxables in Bedford County
Source: Helen Shaffer Hill. I obtained a copy 16 July 2009 trip to Somerset Co. PA. Could be Jacob, son of Israel? The other Jacob Burget/Burckert/Burkhart (from his pension request obtained on my 2009 trip.) Was b. 08 May 1758 who resided in Reading, Berks Co., PA didn't moved to Allegheny Twp. until 1785.
Jacob is confirmed to be the 2nd son of Israel Source: SHJ. Jacob Burket's court papers.
Christopher Burket Sr. b. abt d. 16 Apr 1848 date of death source from LBK
married to Mary Ann Ross Source of marriage: her father's will/probate. Is listed as Stophel in his father-in-law's court papers. Now, my great grandfather John L.C. Burket, who was 10 when his grandfather Christopher died, is also nicknamed Stophel, yet he has no Christopher in his go figure. Christopher, even in his advanced age made sure his name is spelled BURGET on the handwritten pension request he went into the Somerset Courthouse to have them submit that request, like all soldiers that served and survived the act pass by Congress for their service pension. It was spelled 3 times as Burgert and on all 3 occasions the 2nd r has a strike thru it. Love paper trails!
Burget and Burkard are one in the same...find link and post.
Albert Hill's family indicates that in the Nauvoo Baptisms for the dead there is a Baptismal record for Stofel in the year 1841. Well, according to Susan Jackman, that is the year Christopher died. I've never gotten the actual Nauvoo records from her. I will need to hunt down the records for review. But Christopher didn't die in 1841 he died in 1848 so much for that. Can this even be believed now?
Father: James Ross b. d. 1801 Somerset Co., PA Source: JM
A James Ross is also listed on the Taxables in Bedford County 1778-1779. Listed as a Non Resident and a James Ross again under the non residents listed as Ross James sold to Burnside.
Mary Burket married to Henry Boose. Source: Israel's probate papers.
Rudolph Boose b 21 May 1796 Brothersvalley, Somerset Co., PA
d. 31 July 1870 Somerset Co.
Margaret married to Henry Leech variants could be Leach/Lynch.
Barbara Burket married to Nicholas Rayman variants could be Reiman/Rehman. Source: Isa probate papers.
The township was settled at a very early day. If the traditions of the German Baptist Church (referred to else where) are correct even within a couple of years, there were settlers already here before this region was open to legal settlement. In addition to the names of early settlers that have been mentioned in other chapters, Israel Burket, John Rhoads, Martin Suter and Christopher (or Christian) Yoder and his sons were here as early as 1775, or perhaps even earlier. Source: History of Bedford and Somerset Co., PA
In May 1984 the Laurel Messenger ran the following story on Stonycreek Twp's Taxpayers (TBC)
but from this article we know Israel was in Bedford Co., 1775 which later becomes part of Somerset County, PA. One must remember that from 1763-1769 there where only 3 Townships in the whole county of Bedford. Per the History of Bedford and Somerset Co, written by Daniel Rupp, Chapter 5, there where 160 people in Bedford Twp. A early map exists that reflect the Burket name on it (enter map).
In addition to the probate paperwork, I obtained on my first visit to the county seat, I located a petition to Israel's probate paperwork. In this petition Christopher's older brother, George, is addressing the court and at some point George's name is crossed off and Jacob's name written in it's place. Had George died after the petition was written? It did take a long time for Israel's probate to be wrapped up.
Nice thing about these papers is it really give great insight into how a early settler lived. He actually owned more than I imagined. Owned a shot gun. How many gun makers where there in the 1700's?
He owned a box of shoemaker's tools. Interesting! Since his occupation in the old country was surprisingly different per source: LBK. He owned cigars, when he died, and had a debt for them. It is safe to assume he smoked them. That is about the only assumption one wants to make when piecing the Burket puzzle together. What amazes me is the number of items Israel owned...books, spectacles, a bundle of books, a forge book, and one listed as other book and a almanac...he owned a lot of books for someone who signed an X upon arriving. Gives one the impression he could read some language. Future posts will disclose this issue. No doubt he could read German. He didn't sign an X on the other document in my possession.
354 acres adjoining Ludwick C and the acreage is in Shade Twp and in Stony Creek Twp.
The land could not be divided to or among the parties without spoiling the value of the land.
Jacob sold off Israel's land.
At the time of Israel's death he had 3 living sons, listed in his probate records. Doesn't mean he didn't have more children, it just means those where living when he passed or by the time the probate papers where filed.
Israel's wife Anna Maria Barbara .
She was still alive in 1805 as she has left her mark in the court paperwork. She also appears on a later census. John (private) might be her grandson in law? More adventures into the courthouse will provide the answer if the paper trail survived mother nature.
Now, the additional petition I found in Somerset where George's name is crossed off, and Jacob's is written in. The next paragraph George was listed first as the petitioner than crossed off, and Jacob's name written in and where Jacob's name was initially written in is crossed off and George written in. It appears the person doing the petitioning changed. Birth records for both George and Jacob exist, but what happened to Israel's son John George?
Since Christopher's daughter obituary states he's of German descendent that gives us some clue that Israel is from Germany. Yes, yes he is!!! Love that paper trail! And so is his wife, Anna Maria Barbara maiden name: private.
Susan Jackman found a Israel Burket on the land warrants in Berks County when she happened to searching Bedford and since it was alphabetical she thought she would take a look at Berks land warrants, she states he was listed under various spellings. Now, since land warrants don't show relationship, I'm not sure what proof that it is our Israel. Interesting because one of the spellings was the same way it appears on the 1812 paperwork. More work to be done. She states, but no documentation of source sent, but I will source her here for this entry.
Also, probable son John b 08 May 1758 d. 1805, PA
Friday, April 17, 2015
Christopher Burket Sr. d. 16 Apr 1848 married to Mary Ann Ross b. abt 1752 d. (see headstone picture I took) she was age 96 when Christopher died in 1848.
Both of them appear her father's, James Ross's estate paperwork. He as Stophel.
Lt. Col. James Ross 8th PA Regiment under Col. Dan'l Broadhead's 8th PA Regt.
Regt'l returned 09 June 1777. I obtained this record from the PA state archives on 28 Feb 2006.
I ordered and received Christopher's docs from the National Archives.
Per his daughter's obit, he lived to be a 104 and was of German descent. Per LBK he's 102. Married and leaves a widow and a large family. He was from the banks of the Cononcocheague now located in Franklin County.
I located where the government approved his pension, this in the Statues of Large, which was a record of laws passed. Also, I e-mailed the information to SH Jackman in hopes she would source me.
Children of Christopher:
Michael Burket (shoemaker) b. 1784-1790 Stoney Creek Twp, Bedford Co., PA
1830 Michael bartered shoes and labor in exchange for food from the Mose's accounts and memoirs. I love to read the old newspapers and publications. This was published in the Laurel Messenger page 345 Feb, 1989.
On one of my trips to the Daley Cemetery, I discovered documentation that there is a Mrs. Michael Burket interred there. This cemetery at one time had been replotted on paper. I have two pages.
Israel Burket Lot No. 10 died 24 Dec 1866 age 50 yrs. 8 m. 4d.
Mrs Michael Burket, age not known.
Below that Geo. Anderson, unknown, Mary Anderson, unknown,and John Anderson, unknown. I did find a George Anderson on the Mortality Schedules who died at the age of 17 on the RR.
But than on another page, and or book, Lot 69 Israel Burket O.P #45 Israel Burket Apr 20, 1816 Dec 24, 1866. Than George Anderson, May Anderson and John Anderson.
So we have Lot 10 than we have Lot 69 than old plot 45.
1830 census as Michare Burget.
1860 Census pg 92, St: OH, Co., Knox, Berlin Twp., enumeration date 16 July 1860.
Michael's child....move this to it's own post.
Joseph b. abt 1814-1816....on the 1860 census in Berlin Twp, Knox Co., Ohio...Linda Burkett-Kron states that is Richard's brother.
Richard Barkett, age 30, M., Occupation, Blacksmith, b. OH, d. 1861 in a sawmill accident in Ohio, per Linda Burkett Kron. Richard's wife was Elizabeth. Per a Robert Cook that Linda corresponded with, he provided her the name of James Franklin's father, Richard Burkett.
Marriage record for Richard states his wife's name is Elizabeth Chandler married 06 Apr 1854. Source: Michelle Hamel
James Franklin Burkett
Ira Burkett, Aubrey Arlen
Linda Burkett-Kron picked up this 1850 Berlin, Knox Co., OH there is a Richard Burkhurd, age 18, living with a Philip Sullivan...they are both blacksmiths....Philip's wife could be a possible sister to Richard and Philip is Richard's mentor. The possible sister is Rosanna b.1819
Rev'd email from Linda states: My grandfather, Ira Burkett b. 1900 Lola, Kansas
he was the child of James Franklin Burkett, grandson of Richard Burkett a great grandson of Michael Burkett. They where there for a very short time but I do find them on the 1900 Kansas Census. Rec'vd e-mail back from Linda regarding Joseph Burket in Perry Twp, Richland Co., PA on the 1870 census. Noting that Richland is the county that Richard died in and she see's him on the 1880 census also.
Cont. with Christopher's children:
John Jacob Burket b 11 April 1789 baptized 03 May 1789 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Berlin, Somerset Co., PA The witnesses where Jacob Berudt and Maria Elizabeth Schol.
ISRAEL BURKET b. 29 July 1791 baptized 14 Aug 1791.
had sons: Israel b. 1816 d. 24 Dec 1866 Israel Burket Lot No. 10. Died Dec. 24 1866 age 50y.8m 4d.
transcribed by Michelle Hamel, Source: pic of ledger, headstone shot 2004.
(Pedigree chart obtained 07-17-09 prepared by S.S. 2006 has a Israel Burkhart b. 1810 d. 1859 wife Mary they had a son Joshua J. Burkhart b. Jan 1840 P. PA M. 1869 d. 1918 who had a son Sylvester J. Burkhart b. 15 Aug 1894 P. Fairhope m. 27 Sept 1920 d. 25 July 1976 Summit Mills, PA) MOVE THIS FROM HERE TO OTHER BLOG.
Levi b. 1820
Levi Burket b. d. Served in CO D of the 133rd PA Regiment in the Civil War. He lived in the vicinity of Buckstown. He was 35 yrs old when he mustered out of the company. The company disbanded in Johnstown. A stout man with a dark complexion. Had black whiskers with light colored eyes. Was abt 5'8 or 5'9. His nephew, Franklin, served in the same company. Franklin and Levi where said to have went West to Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio.
Israel (son of Israel b. 1791) b. Apr 1816 d. 24 Dec 1866 Interred in the Daley Cemetery, Shade Twp., PA. married to Mary Lape they had the following children:
Noah b. abt 1838,
Daniel b. 24 Jan 1841
Rachel Burket b. 5 Jan 1843 married a Spade and she was blessed with a long life. A descendent of hers wrote a essay that won Third Place titled, "THE SECRET OF A LONG LIFE." by Catherine Butler.
Now, it states in this essay that Rachel was born near Johnstown, Cambria County, PA.
That her parents where Israel and Mary Lake...well, I seen the Lape name enough to surmise that it was most likely Lape and I e-mailed Susan Jackman and I said, "How many times have you ever seen the name LAKE....none! That most likely it was Lape. I've seen Lape all over the place and my grandmother's sister married a Lape. Susan responded back to me after she did some additional research, and that it was indeed Lape not LAKE. The Lapes appear in my tree at least two other times. Now what I liked about this essay was that it mentioned Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., Ohio. So now I must find those darn notes so I don't mess up the details.
Frank Burket. Sometime after his service in the 133rd, he moved to Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio. His Uncle Levi was said to have moved there with him. Franklyn married a Rebecca Lucy Manges per copy of death record. Unable to make contact with direct descendant so I obtained copy from Ohio Death Records. Wonder, is she related to Joseph F. Manges? I had a Great Aunt, Flo, who was married to Joe. Both of them are buried in the Daley Cemetery.
Anyways, their children where:
I have a two birth records for one Burket b. 18 Mar 1869 No first name to a Franklin and Rebecca Burket.
2nd one b. 08 June 1891 no first name but parents where Frank Burket and Rebecca Manges.
Levi Norman Burket b. 18 March 1869 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH
Mary L. Burket No birth record found.
Carie M. Burket 30 May 1873. Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH. OK, so these are transcribed so mother is listed as WANGER, Rebecca and Father Frank Burket.
Jessie Elis Burket 11 Feb 1875 Vol 1, page 155 #3.
Cora Burket
John Utelious Burket b 24 Sept 1879. Ok Utelious? Wonder if this is a transcription error.Vol. 2 page 224 #4. No, I found him and using a nickname.
Charles R. Burket b. 09 Aug 1881 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH vol 2 page 302 #2.
Ollie Burket no birth record found.
Ernest C. Burket b 14 Sept 1886 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH Vol. 3 page 39 #2. Transcribed record has Father and son as BURKER.
Married to Malinda.
Franklin V. Burket b. 08 June 1891 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH. Vol. 3 pg. 117 #4.
A death record for this Rebetka Burket d. 15 Jun 1897 age 54 in Madisonburg, Ohio no parent listed on her death record. This is a transcribed typed record original record appears in Volume 2 on page 110. Now that makes her b. 1843 and that doesn't match Frank's wife's info in my FTM software. Though the county does.
Ellen b. in Johnstown 13 March 1847 d. 18 Mar 1928 in Indiana buried in Schellsburg, Bedford CO., PA picture must still be in my camera from my last trip. Found her obit online, in the Bedford Gazette 30 Mar 1928. Alt birthdate for her 26 Mar 1847. Lived with the Charles Williams Family.
It was hotter than heck the day my dad and I walked thru and around and around this cemetery. We where in there along time. I approached a couple that was also in the cemetery and they pointed us in the direction of the grounds keepers house. That's when I discussed the transcribed records that I printed off the internet. She informed me where each section was so I knew the general vacinity of the graves. I remember seeing one little stone that had initials on it that match but can't say for sure it was one of the markers I was looking for.
I Burket b. in PA wife Mary Lape, daughter Carrie (death record) source in my file I obtained.
Samuel Burket b. 10 May 1796 Somerset CO., PA
Maria Barbara Burket b. 01 Jul 1798
Ooh, how the females are so hard to find!
Christopher Burket JR. b. abt 1799 d. 10 Feb 1878. Married twice, 4 children with first marriage.
married to
Matlida Goll/Gull b. 06 May 1813 d. 06 Dec 1874 in Quemahoning Twp. Somerset Co., PA.
Matilda's obit transcribed on 04/20/2014 by Michelle Hamel.
Sudden Death--Mrs. Matilda Burkhart, wife of Christian Burkhart of Stoneycreek Twp., while visiting at Mr. Henry Custer's in Quemahoning twp., was found dead on the morning of December 6th. It appears that Mrs. Burkhart retired about 12 O'clock the preceding night in her usual health. Mr. and Mrs. Custer, who where in the same room, heard her breathing, not making her appearance at the usual time, Mrs. Custer went to the room to call her and found her dead. She was sixty some years of age. Source 16 Dec 1874 The Somerset Hearld (Somerset, PA) page 3.
Son of Christopher Jr and Matilda Gull/Goll
John L.C. Burket aka Cyrus is what my grandmother referred to him by. Also have doc that he was referred to as STOPHEL.
Susannah (Susan) Burket
Elizabeth Burket b. abt 1800 d. 1890 Dunbar Twp, Fayette Co., PA buried in Dunbar's Franklin Cemetery along with her husband, Michael Smitely.
Christened 23 May 1806 Evangelicial Lutheran Church, Stoyestown, Quemahoning Twp, Somerset Co., PA
Head stone shot sent to me from James Hughes.
Johannes Henry Burket
Abraham Burket b. 1811
Isaac O. Burket b. 21 Sep 1810 per christening record located in the Evangelical Lutheran Church records, Stoystown, Somerset Co., PA
married to Barbara Mishler 1815-1898
appears on the
1830 in Shade Twp
now per Cindy Mccachern she has him Emigrating to Armstrong Co., PA
her source is the 1840 census. He's confirmed in the Reformed and Lutheran Cong. in Plumcreek Twp, Armstrong Co., PA In 1850 he's in Indiana Co., and than 1860 Franklin, Morrow Co., OH
and than in Ionia Co., MI. Wow, he's all over the place. Wait a minute I have more/other Burket's in Armstrong Co. in the stuff I view this week...find it and compare.
I need to revisit my research I did because I have traced thru newely found documents....come back to this, I need to pull the docs....this is interesting.
1870 Census there is a Ezra Burket b abt 1833 in PA living in Orleans, Ionia Co., MI used the Wood Corners P.O. living with his parents Isaac and Barbara all listed as being born in PA.
1870 Census Hannah E Burket age 18 b. in Ohio
1872 Appears in the History and Directory of Ionia County as follows: Burket, Isaac, f, 24 Orleans, Wood's Corners. page 106 (My file).
1876 Isaac died on 28 Aug 1876 Orleans, Ionia Co, MI at the age of 66. reference number: p 251 rn 12 Spelled: Birkett. Record dates 31 Aug 1877. Hard copy in my file.
Hiram Burket aka Peter.
He was a civil war vet, married three times, had 33 kids, 19 grew to adulthood and he's not on your website. He lived in Allegheny Twp. He's a cousin to my great grandfather, Cyrus. Could he be talking about a 2nd cousin or even a third? Doubtful because Peter served in the Civil war so most likely a first cousin.
Both of them appear her father's, James Ross's estate paperwork. He as Stophel.
Lt. Col. James Ross 8th PA Regiment under Col. Dan'l Broadhead's 8th PA Regt.
Regt'l returned 09 June 1777. I obtained this record from the PA state archives on 28 Feb 2006.
I ordered and received Christopher's docs from the National Archives.
Per his daughter's obit, he lived to be a 104 and was of German descent. Per LBK he's 102. Married and leaves a widow and a large family. He was from the banks of the Cononcocheague now located in Franklin County.
I located where the government approved his pension, this in the Statues of Large, which was a record of laws passed. Also, I e-mailed the information to SH Jackman in hopes she would source me.
Children of Christopher:
Michael Burket (shoemaker) b. 1784-1790 Stoney Creek Twp, Bedford Co., PA
1830 Michael bartered shoes and labor in exchange for food from the Mose's accounts and memoirs. I love to read the old newspapers and publications. This was published in the Laurel Messenger page 345 Feb, 1989.
On one of my trips to the Daley Cemetery, I discovered documentation that there is a Mrs. Michael Burket interred there. This cemetery at one time had been replotted on paper. I have two pages.
Israel Burket Lot No. 10 died 24 Dec 1866 age 50 yrs. 8 m. 4d.
Mrs Michael Burket, age not known.
Below that Geo. Anderson, unknown, Mary Anderson, unknown,and John Anderson, unknown. I did find a George Anderson on the Mortality Schedules who died at the age of 17 on the RR.
But than on another page, and or book, Lot 69 Israel Burket O.P #45 Israel Burket Apr 20, 1816 Dec 24, 1866. Than George Anderson, May Anderson and John Anderson.
So we have Lot 10 than we have Lot 69 than old plot 45.
1830 census as Michare Burget.
1860 Census pg 92, St: OH, Co., Knox, Berlin Twp., enumeration date 16 July 1860.
Michael's child....move this to it's own post.
Joseph b. abt 1814-1816....on the 1860 census in Berlin Twp, Knox Co., Ohio...Linda Burkett-Kron states that is Richard's brother.
Richard Barkett, age 30, M., Occupation, Blacksmith, b. OH, d. 1861 in a sawmill accident in Ohio, per Linda Burkett Kron. Richard's wife was Elizabeth. Per a Robert Cook that Linda corresponded with, he provided her the name of James Franklin's father, Richard Burkett.
Marriage record for Richard states his wife's name is Elizabeth Chandler married 06 Apr 1854. Source: Michelle Hamel
James Franklin Burkett
Ira Burkett, Aubrey Arlen
Linda Burkett-Kron picked up this 1850 Berlin, Knox Co., OH there is a Richard Burkhurd, age 18, living with a Philip Sullivan...they are both blacksmiths....Philip's wife could be a possible sister to Richard and Philip is Richard's mentor. The possible sister is Rosanna b.1819
Rev'd email from Linda states: My grandfather, Ira Burkett b. 1900 Lola, Kansas
he was the child of James Franklin Burkett, grandson of Richard Burkett a great grandson of Michael Burkett. They where there for a very short time but I do find them on the 1900 Kansas Census. Rec'vd e-mail back from Linda regarding Joseph Burket in Perry Twp, Richland Co., PA on the 1870 census. Noting that Richland is the county that Richard died in and she see's him on the 1880 census also.
Cont. with Christopher's children:
John Jacob Burket b 11 April 1789 baptized 03 May 1789 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Berlin, Somerset Co., PA The witnesses where Jacob Berudt and Maria Elizabeth Schol.
ISRAEL BURKET b. 29 July 1791 baptized 14 Aug 1791.
had sons: Israel b. 1816 d. 24 Dec 1866 Israel Burket Lot No. 10. Died Dec. 24 1866 age 50y.8m 4d.
transcribed by Michelle Hamel, Source: pic of ledger, headstone shot 2004.
(Pedigree chart obtained 07-17-09 prepared by S.S. 2006 has a Israel Burkhart b. 1810 d. 1859 wife Mary they had a son Joshua J. Burkhart b. Jan 1840 P. PA M. 1869 d. 1918 who had a son Sylvester J. Burkhart b. 15 Aug 1894 P. Fairhope m. 27 Sept 1920 d. 25 July 1976 Summit Mills, PA) MOVE THIS FROM HERE TO OTHER BLOG.
Levi b. 1820
Levi Burket b. d. Served in CO D of the 133rd PA Regiment in the Civil War. He lived in the vicinity of Buckstown. He was 35 yrs old when he mustered out of the company. The company disbanded in Johnstown. A stout man with a dark complexion. Had black whiskers with light colored eyes. Was abt 5'8 or 5'9. His nephew, Franklin, served in the same company. Franklin and Levi where said to have went West to Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio.
Israel (son of Israel b. 1791) b. Apr 1816 d. 24 Dec 1866 Interred in the Daley Cemetery, Shade Twp., PA. married to Mary Lape they had the following children:
Noah b. abt 1838,
Daniel b. 24 Jan 1841
Rachel Burket b. 5 Jan 1843 married a Spade and she was blessed with a long life. A descendent of hers wrote a essay that won Third Place titled, "THE SECRET OF A LONG LIFE." by Catherine Butler.
Now, it states in this essay that Rachel was born near Johnstown, Cambria County, PA.
That her parents where Israel and Mary Lake...well, I seen the Lape name enough to surmise that it was most likely Lape and I e-mailed Susan Jackman and I said, "How many times have you ever seen the name LAKE....none! That most likely it was Lape. I've seen Lape all over the place and my grandmother's sister married a Lape. Susan responded back to me after she did some additional research, and that it was indeed Lape not LAKE. The Lapes appear in my tree at least two other times. Now what I liked about this essay was that it mentioned Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., Ohio. So now I must find those darn notes so I don't mess up the details.
Frank Burket. Sometime after his service in the 133rd, he moved to Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio. His Uncle Levi was said to have moved there with him. Franklyn married a Rebecca Lucy Manges per copy of death record. Unable to make contact with direct descendant so I obtained copy from Ohio Death Records. Wonder, is she related to Joseph F. Manges? I had a Great Aunt, Flo, who was married to Joe. Both of them are buried in the Daley Cemetery.
Anyways, their children where:
I have a two birth records for one Burket b. 18 Mar 1869 No first name to a Franklin and Rebecca Burket.
2nd one b. 08 June 1891 no first name but parents where Frank Burket and Rebecca Manges.
Levi Norman Burket b. 18 March 1869 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH
Mary L. Burket No birth record found.
Carie M. Burket 30 May 1873. Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH. OK, so these are transcribed so mother is listed as WANGER, Rebecca and Father Frank Burket.
Jessie Elis Burket 11 Feb 1875 Vol 1, page 155 #3.
Cora Burket
John Utelious Burket b 24 Sept 1879. Ok Utelious? Wonder if this is a transcription error.Vol. 2 page 224 #4. No, I found him and using a nickname.
Charles R. Burket b. 09 Aug 1881 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH vol 2 page 302 #2.
Ollie Burket no birth record found.
Ernest C. Burket b 14 Sept 1886 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH Vol. 3 page 39 #2. Transcribed record has Father and son as BURKER.
Married to Malinda.
Franklin V. Burket b. 08 June 1891 Wayne Twp, Wayne Co., OH. Vol. 3 pg. 117 #4.
A death record for this Rebetka Burket d. 15 Jun 1897 age 54 in Madisonburg, Ohio no parent listed on her death record. This is a transcribed typed record original record appears in Volume 2 on page 110. Now that makes her b. 1843 and that doesn't match Frank's wife's info in my FTM software. Though the county does.
Ellen b. in Johnstown 13 March 1847 d. 18 Mar 1928 in Indiana buried in Schellsburg, Bedford CO., PA picture must still be in my camera from my last trip. Found her obit online, in the Bedford Gazette 30 Mar 1928. Alt birthdate for her 26 Mar 1847. Lived with the Charles Williams Family.
It was hotter than heck the day my dad and I walked thru and around and around this cemetery. We where in there along time. I approached a couple that was also in the cemetery and they pointed us in the direction of the grounds keepers house. That's when I discussed the transcribed records that I printed off the internet. She informed me where each section was so I knew the general vacinity of the graves. I remember seeing one little stone that had initials on it that match but can't say for sure it was one of the markers I was looking for.
I Burket b. in PA wife Mary Lape, daughter Carrie (death record) source in my file I obtained.
Samuel Burket b. 10 May 1796 Somerset CO., PA
Maria Barbara Burket b. 01 Jul 1798
Ooh, how the females are so hard to find!
Christopher Burket JR. b. abt 1799 d. 10 Feb 1878. Married twice, 4 children with first marriage.
married to
Matlida Goll/Gull b. 06 May 1813 d. 06 Dec 1874 in Quemahoning Twp. Somerset Co., PA.
Matilda's obit transcribed on 04/20/2014 by Michelle Hamel.
Sudden Death--Mrs. Matilda Burkhart, wife of Christian Burkhart of Stoneycreek Twp., while visiting at Mr. Henry Custer's in Quemahoning twp., was found dead on the morning of December 6th. It appears that Mrs. Burkhart retired about 12 O'clock the preceding night in her usual health. Mr. and Mrs. Custer, who where in the same room, heard her breathing, not making her appearance at the usual time, Mrs. Custer went to the room to call her and found her dead. She was sixty some years of age. Source 16 Dec 1874 The Somerset Hearld (Somerset, PA) page 3.
Son of Christopher Jr and Matilda Gull/Goll
John L.C. Burket aka Cyrus is what my grandmother referred to him by. Also have doc that he was referred to as STOPHEL.
Susannah (Susan) Burket
Elizabeth Burket b. abt 1800 d. 1890 Dunbar Twp, Fayette Co., PA buried in Dunbar's Franklin Cemetery along with her husband, Michael Smitely.
Christened 23 May 1806 Evangelicial Lutheran Church, Stoyestown, Quemahoning Twp, Somerset Co., PA
Head stone shot sent to me from James Hughes.
Johannes Henry Burket
Abraham Burket b. 1811
Isaac O. Burket b. 21 Sep 1810 per christening record located in the Evangelical Lutheran Church records, Stoystown, Somerset Co., PA
married to Barbara Mishler 1815-1898
appears on the
1830 in Shade Twp
now per Cindy Mccachern she has him Emigrating to Armstrong Co., PA
her source is the 1840 census. He's confirmed in the Reformed and Lutheran Cong. in Plumcreek Twp, Armstrong Co., PA In 1850 he's in Indiana Co., and than 1860 Franklin, Morrow Co., OH
and than in Ionia Co., MI. Wow, he's all over the place. Wait a minute I have more/other Burket's in Armstrong Co. in the stuff I view this week...find it and compare.
I need to revisit my research I did because I have traced thru newely found documents....come back to this, I need to pull the docs....this is interesting.
1870 Census there is a Ezra Burket b abt 1833 in PA living in Orleans, Ionia Co., MI used the Wood Corners P.O. living with his parents Isaac and Barbara all listed as being born in PA.
1870 Census Hannah E Burket age 18 b. in Ohio
1872 Appears in the History and Directory of Ionia County as follows: Burket, Isaac, f, 24 Orleans, Wood's Corners. page 106 (My file).
1876 Isaac died on 28 Aug 1876 Orleans, Ionia Co, MI at the age of 66. reference number: p 251 rn 12 Spelled: Birkett. Record dates 31 Aug 1877. Hard copy in my file.
Hiram Burket aka Peter.
He was a civil war vet, married three times, had 33 kids, 19 grew to adulthood and he's not on your website. He lived in Allegheny Twp. He's a cousin to my great grandfather, Cyrus. Could he be talking about a 2nd cousin or even a third? Doubtful because Peter served in the Civil war so most likely a first cousin.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Original post 2009
Christopher Jr. aka Christian b. abt 1798 d. 10 Feb 1878 and his 2nd wife Matilda had 13 children.
(Christopher was married original post from 03/09/10...wife unknown. Had 4 children, oldest was a male. Per census.)
Matilda Gull b. 06 May 1813 d. 06 Dec 1874 Quemahoning, Somerset Co., PA. She was born to Jacob Goll/Gull and Catherine Kauffman. Matilda's baptismal record is the source of her birth. See my file for source of death.
When I started researching back in 2005 no one knew what Matilda's maiden name was. So after years of researching and thinking the place they where from was so small....he had to marry a local gal, I started looking at all the Matilda's in the paper trails that existed.
IN 200? where is that email? I contacted one individual who had a gedcom with a Matilda Gull/Goll in it she stated she didn't know who that person was but she had a cousin who entered the info and she obtained it from his Gedcom, but she failed to site him. At the same time I contacted another man, unaware who he was at the time, about an individual he had in his Ged com that I was also researching and he responded to my email and signed his name Tom Gull. I couldn't resist asking him about the Matilda Gull. I informed him I was looking at on the baptismal records,and he stated he didn't know anything about her more than what was on that baptismal record. I explained why I was researching her (she had the Matilda name and that my great great grandmother was a Matilda Burket). Than putting two and two together he remembered seeing Christian Burket's name in a family document, but didn't know why it appeared in the document. There was no reference to the relationship. Tom sent me the page, and sure enough this was my great great grandmother Matilda I was looking for....she was the Gull/Goll! Mystery solved! WOW!
Tom was generous enough to give me all his work he had done on the Goll/Gull lines.
1840 Christopher Jr is listed as Christian Burchcart on the 1840 census in Somerset Co., PA
1849 On the fourteenth day of April of 1849 Matilda Burket purchases 419 acres of land located in Allegheny Twp., Somerset Co., PA.
1850 Christian and Matilda appear on the 1850 Allegheny Twp Census
1860 Census for Allegheny Twp, Somerset CO., PA
1870 Census for Allegheny Twp, Somerset CO., PA
1874 died
Ok, I picked up on another trip a article of agreement, dated 1873 that states 300 acres of the land is to be held in, had they sold off the other 149 acres along the way????Looks like another trip to me! There is no mention abt the other 149 acres in this article of agreement.
Matilda died first, and Christopher Jr. died walking on the tracks between Mineral Point and Garret.
Sophia Mary Burket b. 07 Sep 1833 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 31 Jul 1900
buried Aug 1900 Glade Reformed Church Cemetery, Stoneycreek Twp, Somerset Co.PA She was married to George Null d. 10 Feb 1903 by the Justice of the Peace, John Grove on the 10th of March in the presence of her parents, Christ Brighard and wife. Henry Groll, Jeremiah Groll and his wife. Franses. Last name in record when filed was Sophia PurkThey rest in peace together.
1850 appears on the Allegheny Twp. census with her husband, George Null.
Sophia and George had eleven children.
I took and will post headstone.
1850 appears on the Allegheny Twp. census with her husband, George Null.
Sophia and George had eleven children.
Magdalena Burket b. 28 Dec 1835 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 14 Mar 1918 Bedford Co., burial 16 Mar 1918 in Reformed Cemetery, New Paris, Bedford Co., PA
m. Frederick Custer b. 2 Mar 1828 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 24 Sep 1919.
They had been married for 65 years at least. They lived in Napier Twp. They owned 87 acres with a 2 story log cabin house.
Their 13 children are: to be cont.
John Levi Cyrus Burket b. 19 Feb 1838 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., married twice and had 23 children.
Worked in Schellsburg, Bedford Co., PA Worked for George Colvin.
Albert Burket was married twice and had 16 children. WOW!
Oliver Burket b. 20 Aug 1840 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA
12 May 1843 Christened
1850 Census
Apparently, Oliver owed a debt for quite a while and when Matilda died and her estate was being probated the man Oliver owed money to was bringing his claim forward thru the use of the Sheriff's document to present to the administrator. The doc is extremely faded and at times very difficult to read. But I can read the dates and will post them.
Mary Ellen Burket b. 07 Mar 1843 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 08 Nov 1906 in New Paris, Bedford Co., PA burial 10 Nov 1906 in Evangelical Cemetery.
m. Isaac Logue
I have an alternate birthdate for her as 23 March 1942.
Pierce Burket b. abt 1844 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA also listed as Pearson.
Cornelius Burket b. 27 Mar 1846 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 1942
Benjamin Franklin Burket b. 22 Apr 1847 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 16 Sept 1932 Somerset Boro, Somerset Co., PA buried in
m. Emma Amy Lape. They had 5 children:
Infant d. 25 Jan 1871 buried in Bedford Co., PA
Harry E. ....married to Maggie...daughter of Cornelius.
Charles Edward b. 06 Oct. 1880
The Lape surname appears in several generations of the Burket tree.
Walter C. Burket b, 1840 m. Dora Kaufmann from Jenners Twp, 28 Nov 1869
buried in the Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset CO., PA.
They had 6 children:
1. Josephine Sep 1870
2. Mary Burket b. 1871
3. Elisabeth 1872 married George Schadde on 11 Aug 1898 in Somerset Co., PA
4. Ida Burket 1874 married Charles Thomas on 25 May 1899
5. Infant Burket abt 1876
6. Anna 1879 d. 28 Oct 1966, buried in the Husband Cemetery, Somerset Co., PA
married to Frank H. Zeigler
more to come...
Catherine Burket b. abt 1852 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA
married William Shederick
more to come...
Matilda Burket b. abt 1856 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., d. 1931 PA. Buried in the Union Cemetery, Meyersdale, Somerset Co., PA
married William Barnhart, he was 17 yrs old, b. 1849 at Shade Furnace d. 1935 Shade Twp. Somerset Co., PA.
pic in file.
Their children are:
Mary Jane Barnhart
William and Matilda are both buried in the Union Cemetery.
William is the brother of Sarah J. Barnhart who was married to John Levi Cyrus Burket.
Elizabeth Burket b. abt 1860 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA
Was a minor at the time of her mother's death.
m. see file.
Christopher Jr. aka Christian b. abt 1798 d. 10 Feb 1878 and his 2nd wife Matilda had 13 children.
(Christopher was married original post from 03/09/10...wife unknown. Had 4 children, oldest was a male. Per census.)
Matilda Gull b. 06 May 1813 d. 06 Dec 1874 Quemahoning, Somerset Co., PA. She was born to Jacob Goll/Gull and Catherine Kauffman. Matilda's baptismal record is the source of her birth. See my file for source of death.
When I started researching back in 2005 no one knew what Matilda's maiden name was. So after years of researching and thinking the place they where from was so small....he had to marry a local gal, I started looking at all the Matilda's in the paper trails that existed.
IN 200? where is that email? I contacted one individual who had a gedcom with a Matilda Gull/Goll in it she stated she didn't know who that person was but she had a cousin who entered the info and she obtained it from his Gedcom, but she failed to site him. At the same time I contacted another man, unaware who he was at the time, about an individual he had in his Ged com that I was also researching and he responded to my email and signed his name Tom Gull. I couldn't resist asking him about the Matilda Gull. I informed him I was looking at on the baptismal records,and he stated he didn't know anything about her more than what was on that baptismal record. I explained why I was researching her (she had the Matilda name and that my great great grandmother was a Matilda Burket). Than putting two and two together he remembered seeing Christian Burket's name in a family document, but didn't know why it appeared in the document. There was no reference to the relationship. Tom sent me the page, and sure enough this was my great great grandmother Matilda I was looking for....she was the Gull/Goll! Mystery solved! WOW!
Tom was generous enough to give me all his work he had done on the Goll/Gull lines.
1840 Christopher Jr is listed as Christian Burchcart on the 1840 census in Somerset Co., PA
1849 On the fourteenth day of April of 1849 Matilda Burket purchases 419 acres of land located in Allegheny Twp., Somerset Co., PA.
1850 Christian and Matilda appear on the 1850 Allegheny Twp Census
1860 Census for Allegheny Twp, Somerset CO., PA
1870 Census for Allegheny Twp, Somerset CO., PA
1874 died
Ok, I picked up on another trip a article of agreement, dated 1873 that states 300 acres of the land is to be held in, had they sold off the other 149 acres along the way????Looks like another trip to me! There is no mention abt the other 149 acres in this article of agreement.
Matilda died first, and Christopher Jr. died walking on the tracks between Mineral Point and Garret.
Sophia Mary Burket b. 07 Sep 1833 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 31 Jul 1900
buried Aug 1900 Glade Reformed Church Cemetery, Stoneycreek Twp, Somerset Co.PA She was married to George Null d. 10 Feb 1903 by the Justice of the Peace, John Grove on the 10th of March in the presence of her parents, Christ Brighard and wife. Henry Groll, Jeremiah Groll and his wife. Franses. Last name in record when filed was Sophia PurkThey rest in peace together.
1850 appears on the Allegheny Twp. census with her husband, George Null.
Sophia and George had eleven children.
I took and will post headstone.
1850 appears on the Allegheny Twp. census with her husband, George Null.
Sophia and George had eleven children.
Magdalena Burket b. 28 Dec 1835 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 14 Mar 1918 Bedford Co., burial 16 Mar 1918 in Reformed Cemetery, New Paris, Bedford Co., PA
m. Frederick Custer b. 2 Mar 1828 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 24 Sep 1919.
They had been married for 65 years at least. They lived in Napier Twp. They owned 87 acres with a 2 story log cabin house.
Their 13 children are: to be cont.
John Levi Cyrus Burket b. 19 Feb 1838 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., married twice and had 23 children.
Worked in Schellsburg, Bedford Co., PA Worked for George Colvin.
Albert Burket was married twice and had 16 children. WOW!
Oliver Burket b. 20 Aug 1840 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA
12 May 1843 Christened
1850 Census
Apparently, Oliver owed a debt for quite a while and when Matilda died and her estate was being probated the man Oliver owed money to was bringing his claim forward thru the use of the Sheriff's document to present to the administrator. The doc is extremely faded and at times very difficult to read. But I can read the dates and will post them.
Mary Ellen Burket b. 07 Mar 1843 in Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 08 Nov 1906 in New Paris, Bedford Co., PA burial 10 Nov 1906 in Evangelical Cemetery.
m. Isaac Logue
I have an alternate birthdate for her as 23 March 1942.
Pierce Burket b. abt 1844 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA also listed as Pearson.
Cornelius Burket b. 27 Mar 1846 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 1942
Benjamin Franklin Burket b. 22 Apr 1847 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 16 Sept 1932 Somerset Boro, Somerset Co., PA buried in
m. Emma Amy Lape. They had 5 children:
Infant d. 25 Jan 1871 buried in Bedford Co., PA
Harry E. ....married to Maggie...daughter of Cornelius.
Charles Edward b. 06 Oct. 1880
The Lape surname appears in several generations of the Burket tree.
Walter C. Burket b, 1840 m. Dora Kaufmann from Jenners Twp, 28 Nov 1869
buried in the Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset CO., PA.
They had 6 children:
1. Josephine Sep 1870
2. Mary Burket b. 1871
3. Elisabeth 1872 married George Schadde on 11 Aug 1898 in Somerset Co., PA
4. Ida Burket 1874 married Charles Thomas on 25 May 1899
5. Infant Burket abt 1876
6. Anna 1879 d. 28 Oct 1966, buried in the Husband Cemetery, Somerset Co., PA
married to Frank H. Zeigler
more to come...
Catherine Burket b. abt 1852 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA
married William Shederick
more to come...
Matilda Burket b. abt 1856 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., d. 1931 PA. Buried in the Union Cemetery, Meyersdale, Somerset Co., PA
married William Barnhart, he was 17 yrs old, b. 1849 at Shade Furnace d. 1935 Shade Twp. Somerset Co., PA.
pic in file.
Their children are:
Mary Jane Barnhart
William and Matilda are both buried in the Union Cemetery.
William is the brother of Sarah J. Barnhart who was married to John Levi Cyrus Burket.
Elizabeth Burket b. abt 1860 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA
Was a minor at the time of her mother's death.
m. see file.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Wedding photo of John Burket and Sarah Jane Barnhart.
Married by the Justice of the Peace, Jesse S. in Shade Twp, Somerset County, PA on 05 Dec 1872.
Source: Original in possession of the A.A. Prato Family.
JOHN LEVI CYRUS BURKET b. 19 Feb 1838 d. 04 Apr 1916 Stoney Creek Twp, Somerset Co., PA. Buried on 06 Apr 1916 in the Downey Cemetery, Somerset Co., PA.
Undertaker was no other than a Ross.
He was baptized 27 May 1838 in the Glade Lutheran Church as it appears in their register.
Born to parents: Christopher and Matilda Burket.
He was named after a minister and a doctor....OK, so this minister's name is going to help me out a lot! Crossing my fingers! His nickname was Stophel (Stouffel) just like his grandfathers!!!
I'm not going to try and guess who's on the 1840 census in this household due to the nature of the times...anyone could be living with anyone.
Appears on the 1850 Census
Appears on the 1860 Census.
Appears on the 1870 Census in Allegheny Twp., Somerset Co., PA Post Office Wellersburg with Louisa and Jess age 4, Alice age 2, along with his brother, Walter B. age 21 and his wife, Dora...I have her maiden name and their daughter, Josephine.
Louisa dies 16 Feb 1871
Marries Sarah Jane 5 Dec 1872
Appears on the 1880 Census with Sarah along with his children Salome and Walter from his first marriage and Maggie, Myra D., George, and Anna.
Adam Imgrund, Herman Long, and Azariah Lambert all lived within one mile of the Burkets.
Sarah Barnhart b. 24 Mar 1850 d. 23 Dec 1927 in Jerome, Conemaugh Twp, Somerset Co., PA
Buried on 26 Dec 1927 in the Downey Cemetery, Somerset Co., PA
Sarah died living with my grandmother Edith.
Sarah's parents where George Barnhart b. 11 June 1813 d. 18 Jun 1896. His death record is recorded as a handwritten note in the old ledger books I viewed in Somerset Co., PA. His obit appears in the Hearld of Truth, Vol. XXXIII, No. 14, July 15 1896.
BARNHART- On the 28th of June 1896, in Jenner Twp., Somerset Co., PA., Bro. George Barnhart, aged 83 years, 17 days. He was buried on the 30th. Funeral services by Samuel Gindlesperger and L.A. Blough. George and Catherine nee Hershberger are both buried in the Manges cemetery.
My grandmother always stated she was PA Dutch. She is a descendent of Blough's, Hershbergers, and Berkey thru Catherine's line. Now, there is another line of Barnhart's around the same time and I've seen where descendents from our line have us in the wrong lineage. It can get tricky!
Fred Bittner gave me a photo of a young family...young man, women, a toddler, and a baby. Photo wasn't marked and I've passed the photo one seems to know who they are but I noticed the young man appears to be cross-eyed and Cyrus was cross-eyed.
Now, I have a painted portrait of John and Sarah, which date from 1872, it's their wedding photo. And of course it's painted so they didn't paint him as cross-eyed. With that I never made the connection until I looked at it again. Nice cabin in the photo.
Fred and I met by chance and I am so glad to have met him. I had placed a call to the Berlin Historical Society because I wanted to book an apppointment. I needed to come into town on a day they where closed. So as I explained to the gentleman who indicated they only had one Burket buried close by (which was weird because there use to be so many in the area) and I said, "Well, my father will take me to the cemetery that he use to take his mother to and than I would know if we are speaking of the same Burket." My father couldn't recall the name of the cemetery but knew the location. He stated there was a local man also working that Burket lineage and I asked him what his name might be and he indicated, "Fred Bittner". I said, "Well, you give Mr. Bittner my name and number because my grandmother's sister had married a Bittner". I think in abt 15 mintues Fred called me. So we agreed to met at the Berlin Historical Society and we agreed to bring our photos. Amazingly, he had the proof version of the same photo that we have. That is the final painted version of the Burket family. I'm told or read they had traveling photographers that would go cabin to cabin. They had actually cut and pasted John into the photo and one girl in the photo (from other previous photos) and the painted version didn't reflect one girl, in particular, as a girl more like a boy. When my mother asked my grandmother, before she lost her sight, who the boy was in the portrait my grandmother's reply was, " The one must have been a neighborhood kid that joined in the photo as it was a big tah do to have a photo done back than". This particular portrait is from grandmother is the baby in the photo. Looks like it was done around the fall season of 1896. Well, with Fred's love of genealogy, he had collected the older photos that his Aunt Sadie had...his Aunt Sadie was the daughter of Margaret. So we have a nice collection. Oh and lets not forget the trips to the various cemeteries...the one where we had to park half way up a mountain and walk the rest of the way up...Geez, I know there where snakes somewhere close! Anyways, that was the resting place of Sarah Barnhart's mother and father and her Hershberger relations. Wow, what a view!
My Aunt Alice did recall my grandmother having a sister, who based on the story, was Maggie. Margaret died the year before my father was born making this Aunt abt 9 years old at the time of Maggie's death.
Children with John:
Margaret Ellen Burket b. 10 Nov 1873 d. 29 Feb 1932 married twice
2nd marriage to Howard Henry Bittner
Per Fred Bittner, Maggie was married twice, first to a A.V. Musser. They had a daughter, Edyth Mae who married a John Bender. They had 7 children to this union.
Photo from Fred Bittner.
Darn, I just erased their names so I'll have to redo this
Edward Wilson Bittner b 01 Dec 1912 d. 21 Dec 1972
Daisy Mae Bittner
James Marshall Bittner
Francis Sylvester Bittner
Lee Roy
Sadie Pearl
Edward Wilson
Updating more's late and I can't type!
I was showing my mother the tombstone pictures I took and she remembers hearing the Bender name. I also have her obit.
Additional information Bittner in is provided by Shelby Hobbs.
Dora d. 07 July 1945 burial 10 Jul 1945 burial in Grandview Cemetery, Cambria Co., PA
married in Somerset Co., PA on 14 Oct 1892 to George M.L. Newman b. Nov 1845 in Germany. George was killed in a mining accident.
Ezra H. Newman b. 15 Apr 1894 wife was Alma G. Ross.
Fredrick John Newman Sr. b. 03 Jan 1898 d. 20 Aug 1960 burial 24 Aug 1960 in the Daley Cemetery.
He and Laura Pebley had 11 children. Fred died at his home in Central City, Shade Twp., Somerset Co., PA
Billy b. 1936 d. 1946 was killed in a hunting accident.
Ezra Newman aka Amos, married Justine. I have the family page of his family bible.
My dad went to school/rode the bus with Ethel, one of Fred's girls. Ethel and her husband died in a car accident.
Cora Newman
Had a daughter Dorothy. Dorothy and my Aunt Virginia use to travel together.
Rose Newman
Infant Burket d. 28 May 1877 buried in Schellsburg, Bedford Co., PA Section A
Infant Burket d. 28 May 1877 Buried in Schellsburg, Bedford Co., PA Section A
Now, I must make a comment abt Schellsburg so I'm choosing to make it here.
The records for .....Schellsburg. I talked with the grounds keepers wife and she was the one who did up the plot map and I told her I hadn't seen any headstones so how did she make up the chart that she had? She said that she had walked thru the cemetery for years and decided to do up the plot map and I pointed out that Cyrus hadn't been married three times....Oh, remember the old legend? Anyways, he would have to have had 3 wifes and two at the same time based on her chart. She said, "Years ago there use to be a lot more headstones in that cemetery but they no longer exist and when she did the chart, they might have been there. I'm thinking it's a transcription error...but could the old family legend be true after all? Could that death date be 28 May 1872 and not 1877. We know how old stones are hard to read. Anyways, they are in section A . Sarah Jane and John where not married until Dec of 1872. My mother was the one that told me the 3 marriage story and the wife's died in childbirth and my father remembers his mother stating children died in a fire and his Uncle on his father's side did die from injuries substained in a fire and the wife died in the fire. But no kids died in that particular fire so did the stories become meshed together? My great grandfather, Cyrus, did have a fire in 1877. Did this Sarah b 1854 d. 28 May 1877 die in the fire with the infants that are also buried in the same cemetery that share a common death date. So I know I have some old newspapers to hunt thru to get great details....more to come. Since death dates are different, I surmise the dates are right and the name on the stone was never transcribed correctly so who is in that grave? Work in progress. That will help untangle the old stories!!!
George Ira Burket b. 04 May 1878 d. 09 Mar 1938
married to Emma Yoder on 18 Dec 1899 Emma was the daughter of Tobias and Mary (Whipkey) Yoder. Same Emma Yoder previously married to George's 1/2 brother Walter Burket who died 10 Feb 1897.
1918 lived in Cairnbrook, Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA
1920 Shade Twp, Somerset Co., PA
My aunt remembers attending his funeral.
Obit reads: George Burkett, 60, of Somerset, R.D. 5, died at his home about noon Wednesday. He had been ill for some time. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Burkett, both deceased.
Surviving are his wife: Emma (Yoder) Burkett, and the following children: Frank Burkett of Somerset; John, Dewey, and George Burkett, all of Cairnbrook, Mrs. Harry Morris of Jerome, Mrs. Arthur Baker of Somerset, Mrs. Denis McClintock of Somerset and Mrs. Freeman Moyer of Somerset. Five sisters also survive.
The obit doesn't list them by name but the surviving sisters where: Dora, Cora, Sadie, Edith, and ? Check out Flo's death year and get back to this.
see below for George's kids. Reenter this as it's blended
Dewey Robert Burket b. 08 Nov 1898 in Stoneycreek Twp, was George's stepson. Dewey married Annie Fisher b. 1901.
Their children where: Robert b. 1919 d. 1987 buried in the Husband Cemetery, Somerset.
Henry R. b 20 Apr 1923 d. 24 Nov 2005. Interment McGregor Cemetery on 27 Nov 2005.
BURKET - Henry R., 82, Cairnbrook, died Nov. 24, 2005, at Meadowview Nursing Center. Born April 20, 1923, son of Dewey and Annie (Fisher) Burket. Preceded in death by parents; wife, Arlene; infant grandson, Ryan James; brother, Robert; and sister, Bessie, and her husband, John. Survived by children, Henry R. Jr. (Kathleen) and Melvin (Susan), both of Cairnbrook; William T. (Emma Jean), Stoystown; and Wayne, Cairnbrook. Also survived by nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Friends will be received from 4 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Mulcahy Funeral Home, Central City, where service will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, the Rev. James A. McCormick Jr. Interment, McGregor Cemetery, Cairnbrook.
Bessie Louise b. 24 Jan 1922 d. 23 Oct 2004. Buried in the Husband Cemetery, Somerset.
maybe this is the Bessie that appears in the photo I have with Elmer Burket? Will post asap. I met with Henry's son, Henry R. Jr. provided me with some funeral memorial cards. I have forwarded these to others within George's line.
Irvin G. Burket b. 02 May 1900
Anna Burket b. 1902. married to Ambrose Heller in 1919.
Sarah E. Burket b. 17 May 1904 Boone, Stoney Creek Twp, Somerset Co., PA m. Morris
John H. Burket b. 13 Aug 1909 in Stoneycreek Twp, Somerset Co., d. Aug 1980 buried in the McGregor Cemetery, Cairnbrook, Somerset Co., PA
m. Sarah E. Miller. They had a son Ivan Leroy, Daryle, and daug. Jacqueline
Edith Pearl b. 18 Jun 1913 in Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA d. 29 Feb 1984 Somerset Co.,
Buried in the Union Cemetery on 05 Mar 1984. Married on 21 Aug 1930 to Arthur Baker. Source of dates from Funeral memorial card.
Ida May Burket b. 12 Apr 1920 Somerset Co., PA d. 28 Jan 2003 Ravenna, Ohio
married 18 Aug 1934 Dennis Wilbur McClintock.
Catherine Ann Burket b. May 1880 Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., PA
married in 1903 to George Burket b.1873 father was Cornelius from Upper Turkey Foot, PA
George is the brother of John Burket who married Sadie Burket.
Josephine's son, who went by Fred, lived with Anna and her George and my dad told me a story that he thought that Fred and Anna's son, George A. where involved in a car accident that killed George. I have to double check my notes. My dad remembers that Fred's son, Carl, wore a black glove on one of his hands and Pinky stated the same.
Ok, found the obit that my grandmother had put in her wallet.
It read: Funeral of George Burkett. Somerset, May 20, Funeral services for George Burkett, 32 of Fort Hill, who died yesterday morning at the Memorial Hospital in Johnstown, will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of his father-in-law, Frank Weaver of Edgewood. The body was removed to the Weaver home today by Undertaker Charles R. Hauger. The Rev. Herman W. Kaebnick, pastor of the local Evangelical Church will officiate. Interment will be in St. John's U.B. Church Cemetery, near Somerset.
Annie's husband's obit:
George Burkett, 84, Plank Road, died Tuesday in his home. He was the son of Cornelius and Mary Miller Burkett and was born 7 July 1873 in Connellsville. His wife, the former Annie Burket, Preceded him in death. Surviving are three sisters and one brother: Mrs. Maggie Burkett and William D. Burket, both of Somerset; Mrs Mandy Miner, Connellsville; Mrs Susan Hutton, Ohio. Friends are being received in the Walter S. Hoffman Funeral home, where services will be Firday, with the Rev. Dr Clark S. Derby officiating. Interment in St. John's cemetery. Daily American 1957
George Arlington Burket b 21 Oct 1899. see file
George A. Burket had a daughter Betty Jane.
Josephine Burket b. d. Jan 1912 was married twice. First, to Isaac Nelson on 01 Jan 1900. She was 16 yrs old. She's was later granted a divorce. He's a lot older than she was and this was his 2nd marriage. Her second marriage was to Cyrus Shaulis. I believe the photo I have of her is with her and Cyrus. I'm basing that on what age she appears to be in the photo.
paste headstone photo here.
She had the following children:
John Frederick Nelson b. 02 Feb 1900
He was just a baby when living with Nelson in
1918 Lived in Somerset, Somerset Co., PA
1920 Fred is living with his Aunt Annie.
19?? My dad said Fred and his wife, Ada, lived in Fort Hill.
Emma b. 1906 married to Edward (private) d. buried in the Grandview Cemetery.
She had a large family.
1920 she's living with her grandmother Sarah and her Aunt Sadie, per the Census.
I have a photo of Emma with my Grandmother Edith and my Aunt Ann taken approx. in 1914.
CORA BURKET b. 09 May 1885 d. 20 Nov 1952 at her home in Acosta, PA
married Robert Beynon. His parents where David and Susan Beynon.
Cora and her family are buried in the Union Cemetery, Somerset Co., PA
My dad remembers attending her funeral, she was laid out in her home.
Pinky can recall details from the funeral which she shared with me in a e-mail.
Religion: Presbyterian
They had three children:
John R. Beynon, b. d. 1992
James E. Beynon b. 10 June 1926 d. 24 Mar 1979 Somerset Co., PA
My dad remembers attending her funeral, she was laid out in her home.
Pinky can recall details from the funeral which she shared with me in a e-mail.
Religion: Presbyterian
They had three children:
John R. Beynon, b. d. 1992
James E. Beynon b. 10 June 1926 d. 24 Mar 1979 Somerset Co., PA
Mildred E. Beynon b. 1927 d. 1975
None of Cora's children married and one of them served in the military...per my parents. I found his military registration card.
I had the spelling of the name wrong but that's how my dad thought it was spelled based on the way it was pronounced. My dad said they lived in Acosta and next time I'm there he'd take me to where they lived.
SARAH E. aka Sadie married twice
First marriage to John Burket, son of Cornelius. John was killed in a mining accident.
Her second marriage was to Anthony DeMarco.
SARAH E. aka Sadie married twice
First marriage to John Burket, son of Cornelius. John was killed in a mining accident.
Her second marriage was to Anthony DeMarco.
Sadie's son, Rusty, played his guitar on the Radio my dad said. My Aunt Mary said that her and Uncle Harry would go and listen to him play.
Aunt Sadie is buried in Grandview, Johnstown, Cambria Co., PA
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